Supervisor of Assessments
The Supervisor of Assessments strives to administer an accurate, fair, uniform, and timely assessment of all real property in Effingham County in accordance with and as mandated by the Illinois Property Tax Code.
Property Tax Inquiry
Board of Review
Freedom of Information Act
Tax Parcel Map (ECOMS)
Property Tax Frequently Asked Questions
It is the function of the county Supervisor of Assessments to monitor and direct the countywide valuation of real property for the purpose of real estate taxation. This mandated function includes but is not limited too:
- Provide assistance and information to the individual township assessors
- Monitor all functions for compliance with state statutes and IL Department of Revenue procedures
- Apply exemptions and preferential assessments
- Analyze sales data and conduct sales ratio studies
- Apply equalization factors
- Provide proper taxpayer notification of assessments through mailed notices and publication
- Monitor and direct an unbiased appeal procedure to assure due process
- Prepare abstracts and reports for submission to the Illinois Department of Revenue
- Timely certification of the completed assessment roll to the County Clerk in manner to facilitate timely tax calculation and billing as prescribed by statute
- Assist Board of Review in defense of decisions when appealed to the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board
- Maintain Parcel Identification Numbering system
- Maintain an accurate county cadastral map system, including aerial photography, line maps, and other property and owner information, to be used by the property tax function, other county offices, other governmental offices and the public
Property Tax is a tax based on a property’s value. The imposed tax is from local government taxing districts only (school districts, municipalities, counties, park districts and more). The tax collected stays within the County for local services; educate children, maintain streets and county roads, provide recreational facilities, provide for fire safety and response and many other services our community depends on. Laws and Regulations are governed by State Legislation and the Illinois Department of Revenue.
It is often commented that Illinois Property Tax is one of the highest in the Country. Illinois schools are funded at a higher rate through property taxes than most States, more than 60% of your tax bill goes to District Schools and the Junior College. However, other states elevate services to do the same, just shifting the burden from taxpayers in property tax, such as higher car titles, sales tax, drivers license, etc… Effingham County’s tax rates are somewhat lower than most surrounding Counties because we have a higher valuation total, Residential, Commercial and Industrial. Effingham County’s Assessed Valuation for 2023 at 33.33% was $1,226,201,120. This value includes Farm Land at Soil Type not Market. The County Taxable Parcel Count was 25,918.
Property Taxes are based on 3 factors:
1.) Assessed Value of your Property (Township Assessors and County Assessor review and collect property data, the County determines the Assessed Valuation at 33.33% of Market Value for all properties not preferentially assessed such as farmland and farm buildings)
2.) Homestead Exemptions Deduction or Preferential Adjustments (Exemptions are deducted based on eligibility such as Owner Occupied, Senior, Disabled Veterans and Persons as well as Home Improvements) Review website for those available.
3.) Tax Rates (the amount of money levied for their district needs)
Generally, Property Tax is a two-year cycle. During the first year, the assessor determines valuations, notices are mailed on changes for the tax year and exemptions and appeals are processed. After the Assessor completes the Tax Year, the County Clerk processes the taxing districts Levy’s and Determines the Tax Rates and Aggregate based on each Tax Parcels locations. Tax amount are determined and the then the Treasurer processes and mails the Bills. The Treasurer then collects and Distributes the Collection to the Taxing Districts. Each of these Departments handle several other tasks contributing to the process.
Key Points:
#1 is the County Website. Each Department has spent time posting information, links and vital information to assist you with knowledge and answers to your questions.
In reference to Property Tax:
A. Supervisor of Assessments provides and updates their Property Tax Inquiry which allows Taxpayers, Law Offices, Banks and Closing Agents to use 24/7. You can review your parcel, check your assessments, exemptions on record, see sketch and more. Historical Records from 1998 to current. There are links to vital components of Property Tax aspects. Publication Dates and Publications. Equalization and more.
B. GIS & Maps for Parcel Lookups as well definition and layers of taxing districts and other key layers. Link back and forth to Property Inquiry.
C. County Treasurer provides the current and past history of tax amounts, rates, due dates and payment information on the Property Tax Inquiry, as well as T-9 and Tax District Settlement Sheets on their site.
D. County Clerk provides information on Tax Computation Reports by year so that you may review the Tax District’s Levy and calculated rates.
The following link provides general information regarding the Illinois Property Tax System.
All first-time applications must be submitted in person in the Supervisor of Assessments Office.
Renewal Forms are mailed annually in February.
Senior Homestead and Assessment Freeze Exemption Application (Must be applied for in office)
Senior Homestead and Assessment Freeze Exemption Renewal (Request from Office)
Annual Lease Agreement Application
Annual Lease Agreement Renewal
Home Improvement
PTAX-341 Returning Veteran
PTAX-342 Disabled Veteran Application
PTAX-342-R Disabled Veteran Renewal
PTAX-343 Disabled Person Application
PTAX-343-A Physician’s Statement
PTAX-343-R Disabled Person Renewal
PTAX-300 Non-Homestead Property Tax Exemption Application
PTAX-300-R Religious Property Tax Exemption Application
PTAX-334 Open Space Purposes Assessment Application
PTAX-762 Model Home Assessment Application
PTAX-763 Veterans Organization Assessment Freeze
PTAX-764 Fraternal Organization Assessment Freeze for IRC 501(c)(10)-Masonic Lodges
PTAX-765 Fraternal Organization Assessment Freeze for IRC 501(c)(8)- Fraternal Lodges
Please contact the Supervisor of Assessments Office at 217-342-6711 or by email at to obtain parcel specific appeal forms.
The Supervisor of Assessments is required by law to equalize all townships to 33.33% of market value. The County Assessor must calculate township medians using an adjusted 3-year average median level of assessments. The ratios are calculated by dividing the sale price of property by the assessed value of the preceding year. Using a complicated calculation process, an equalization factor is determined for each township. The Supervisor of Assessments sends current year “Notice of Assessment Change” (for taxes payable the following year) to each taxpayer experiencing a physical assessment change. This notice should be read very carefully because it contains valuable and necessary information for taxpayers and, if necessary, complaint procedures. At this time the Supervisor of Assessments also publishes the changes made in assessments and a list of the township equalization factors applied to all non-farm assessments.
Illinois Department of Revenue Publication 136, Property Assessment and Equalization
Please Note: These values are prior to any Board of Review action and State Multiplier.
2024 Assessment “Notice of Change Filings
Board of Review
Publication Newspaper Publication Dates Appeal Deadlines Publication Assessment List
Beecher City Journal March 24, 2025 April 23, 2025
Banner, Liberty and Moccasin (Notices Mailed 3/21/2025) Banner, Liberty and Moccasin Pub List
Summit Summit Pub List
Altamont News Banner March 27, 2025 April 28, 2025
Jackson, Mound and West (Notices Mailed 3/25/2025)
Effingham Daily News April 03, 2025 May 03, 2025
Bishop and Lucas (Notices Mailed 4/01/2025)
St. Francis and Teutopolis
Union and Watson
The History of Oil Property Taxation can be found here: Oil Pamphlet
Oil & Gas Schedules:
2024 Oil & Gas Assessment Schedule
2023 Oil & Gas Assessment Schedule