Tax and Finance Committee of the Whole
The Tax and Finance Committee of the Whole meets at 3:30 on the Thursday before the board meeting in the 3rd floor boardroom of the Effingham County Building.
Chairman: Norbert Soltwedel
Vice-Chair: Sandi Gillet
- Tax Assessment and Levy
- Prepare Budget
- Supervisor of Assessments
- Board of Review
- Revenue Sharing
- Overseeing County Funds with Treasurer
- Retirement – IMRF
- Veterans Assistance Commission
- Data Processing – Bids over $1,500
- Technology / GIS
- Telephone
- Printing and Stationary
Agendas and Minutes for upcoming and past meetings can be found on the Meeting Event Calendar.
Effingham County Board
ph: 217-342-4990
Effingham County Office Building
101 N 4th St
Suite 301
Effingham, IL 62401