Health & Insurance
The Health & Insurance Committee meets on the 1st Tuesday at 2:30pm in the 3rd floor boardroom of the Effingham County Building.
Chairman: Tim Ellis
Vice-Chair: Norbert Soltwedel
Member: Doug McCain
Visit for more information:
- County Health and TB
- Solid Waste; Nuclear Waste; ADA
- Weed Control
- Prepare Bids for Employee Health/Life Insurance
- Review Property/Casualty Coverage
- Keep Current and Prepare Bids for General
- Liability, Fire, Property, Error and Omissions
- Airport and Hangar Liability, Autop, W/C
- Inland Marine and Unemployment
Agendas and Minutes for upcoming and past meetings can be found on the Meeting Event Calendar.
Effingham County Board
ph: 217-342-4990
Effingham County Office Building
101 N 4th St
Suite 301
Effingham, IL 62401