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Boards & Committees

Boards and committees can be comprised of a County Board members, as well as County Employees or Volunteer Citizens appointed by the Board. All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of closed sessions (no public allowed) where items being discussed are within guidelines of state statutes.

Standing Committees

There shall be eight (8) standing committees. Two (2) of those committees shall be the “committees of the whole” board, each having a Chairman, and all other board members shall be members of that committee. The purpose of these “committees of the whole” is to encourage full participation and discussion by board members on the issues before committees. The County Board Chairman shall appoint the Chairman of each of these committees, with the assistance of the Vice-Chairman. These committees of the whole board shall be:

  1. Tax and Finance Committee of the Whole
  2. Legislative/Personnel Committee of the Whole

At each of these committees of the whole board, five members would need to be present to constitute a quorum.

Six (6) committees will not be committees of the whole board, and will have three members to be appointed by the Chairman, with the assistance of the Vice-Chairman. All board members may attend and may participate but only committee members may vote. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the County Board are members of these committees and may vote at these committees in the absence of a quorum. The County Board Chairman or Vice-Chairman may vote at committee meetings in case of a tie on these committees. (Example: A committee member may be absent, resulting in 2 board members being a quorum – with a tie occurring). If there is a tie in these committees, the agenda item will be forwarded to the Full Board without any recommendations. These six (6) committees are:

  1. Health & Insurance
  2. Public Safety
  3. Building & Grounds
  4. Road & Bridge
  5. Reports
  6. Transportation