Effingham County Sheriff

The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office has watched over and served the people of Effingham County since 1833, through times of peace and times of war, through economic prosperity and economic depression, through compassionate times and through times when man’s inhumanity to his fellow man has made the job of protecting an awesome and forbidding task.
Mission Statement
The elected Office of Effingham County Sheriff will provide professional law enforcement to the citizens and visitors of Effingham County by upholding the constitution of the United States of America and the State of Illinois.
Our ranks will be comprised of only the best and most courageous candidates, and we will strive to be leaders in our chosen professions. We will hold ourselves to a higher standard, realizing we serve a greater power and belong to a calling that is greater than ourselves. Our Office will hold in disdain corruption, and self-gain, and will always serve the public’s best interest with Professionalism, Service, and Integrity.
In 2020, the population of Effingham County was reported as 34,668 residents, with the largest concentration in Effingham, Teutopolis, Altamont, and the Lake Sara area. There are 10 incorporated cities and villages, and the county is divided into 15 townships. Effingham County covers 482 square miles and is located in the southeast part of the State of Illinois.
Within Effingham County, there are approximately 972 miles of roadways, including 51 miles of interstate, 71 miles of U.S. and state highways, 128 miles of county roads, and 702 miles of township roads.
Highways and interstates serving Effingham County are IL 33 and U.S. 40, running east and west; IL 32, IL 37, and U.S. 45, running north and south; Interstate 57 running north and south, and Interstate 70 running east and west.
The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office is the primary Law Enforcement agency responding to calls for service throughout the County. Effingham has a 24-hour police force, and Altamont and Teutopolis both have a part-time police force. The Sheriff’s Office patrols and handles all crashes occurring on the 850 miles of rural roadways and 71 miles of highways. The Illinois State Police handle most calls and crashes on the Interstates, and regularly assist with crashes on the highways as well.
Civil Process Service is the delivery of legal court documents to a specified individual or business (the defendant). The petitioner (plaintiff) initiates the action and works with a lawyer or the court to obtain the proper documents to be served. A Process Server then serves the documents on the defendant. Constitutionally, the Sheriff of each county is responsible for carrying out the service of civil process within each county of jurisdiction.
Service of Civil Process: $30.00 plus $.50 per mile.
All billing is completed once service is made.
Per Illinois statute, all properties subject to judicial sale must be posted by Public Notice in a local newspaper. If you wish to be added to an informational e-mail regarding upcoming Sheriff’s Sales, please notify the Civil Process Section via the e-mail address below.
Questions: Please call our Office Deputy
When entering the Courthouse, an appropriate dress code will be observed by all, including litigants, witnesses, jurors and spectators.
The following is NOT appropriate dress:
Cut-off pants, tank tops, halter tops, mesh shirts, shirts with inappropriate or offensive logos, pictures, or writing, shirts with sleeves cut off, short skirts, short shorts, or pajama pants.
Notwithstanding the above, if a Judge determines your attire is not appropriate, and you are a participant, your case may be continued, or you may be asked to return in proper attire.
- NO Firearms (whether real, fake, replica toy or otherwise)
- NO Firearm holding devices
- NO Ammunition
- NO Explosive or Incendiary devices
- NO Knives
- NO Mace or Pepper spray
- NO Glass items
- NO Tools
- NO Heavy Chains – to be determined by staff not patrons
- NO Entry for any items that can be used as a weapon
- NO Restraining Devices or Restraining Device Keys
- NO Biker or Gang jackets including flags, symbols or colors
- NO Large Bags
- NO Food or Drink from outside the facility
- NO Food allowed above the 1st Floor
- NO Electronics – cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, readers, camera, audio or video recorders, bluetooth devices, communication watches, games or any other electronics
Helpful Hints
Remember, electronics are not allowed. If there is information that you feel is important on your phone or other electronic device, you must print that information ahead of time, so it can be brought into the Courthouse.
Mission Statement
To provide prompt assistance in a caring, resourceful, and professional manner to those we serve.
What We Do
The Effingham County Communications Officers answer 911 calls and non-emergency calls for all Effingham County communities surrounding the city of Effingham. The Communications Officers are responsible for dispatching the Effingham County Sheriff Deputies, Altamont Police Department and Teutopolis Police Department. They also dispatch for nine rural fire protection districts: Altamont, Beecher City, Dieterich, Edgewood, Montrose, Shumway, Sigel, Teutopolis and Watson. In addition, the Communication Officers dispatch emergency medical calls to the contracted EMS provider for the County.
Premise Alert Program
Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A) Notice
Direct F.O.I.A. Request(s) to:
Effingham County Sheriff’s Office – Attention – F.O.I.A. Officer
101 N. 4th Street – STE 101
Effingham, IL 62401
To ensure your F.O.I.A. request is acted upon in a timely manner, clearly identify the public record being sought. To assist in our search of the record, please provide the date, time, address, associated names and any other information specific/relevant to the document you request. The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office has a F.O.I.A. request form available for you to complete to ensure we have the proper information before we search our records for your request. These are available at the Sheriff’s Office, or at the following link: FOIA Request Form
F.O.I.A. Office Business Hours:
Monday through Friday – 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM – Excluding Federal and Locally Recognized Holidays
F.O.I.A. Office Locations
1st Floor: Marnie Webb – Pam Rieman
4th Flour: Gena Blair
F.O.I.A. Fee Schedule:
No Charge to Inspect Records.
No Charge for the first fifty (50) pages. 15 cents per page when requests exceed fifty (50) pages.
DVD/CD’s 75 cents each.
Certified Mailings $8.15 for the first ounce, 20 cents for each additional ounce.
General Information or Documentation Maintained by the Office of the Effingham County Sheriff Includes, but is not limited to, the following records:
- Accident Reports
- Arrest Reports
- Offense Reports
- Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedure
- Personnel Records
- Inmate/Detainee Reports
- 911 Calls/Dispatch Records
- Warrants
- Sex Offender Registry