
Deputy Sheriff

Posted: 01/31/24

Job Type:

Full Time


Effingham County Sheriff's Office


Law Enforcement


Effingham County Sheriff's Office
101 N. Fourth Street, Suite 101
Effingham, IL 62401


Job Description:

The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office, an Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity employer, will conduct testing to establish an eligibility list for the position of Deputy Sheriff.


The general function of the position within the organization is to perform complex work related to the protection of life, persons, and property through the enforcement of laws and ordinances. Duties include, but are not limited to, responding to calls for service involving emergency and non-emergency situations; investigating crimes, suspicious conditions and responding to complaints. The Deputy Sheriff is also responsible for arresting persons suspected of violating ordinances and statutes, including use of physical force, as necessary, to subdue suspects. A person in this position will interview offenders and victims of crimes; appear in court to testify on behalf of the County; serve warrants and summonses; and speak to organized groups or the general public about various law enforcement activities.  Starting salary, as of 12/1/2024, is $68,348.00.  There are normally negotiated step increases every year, that raise salaries by an agreed upon percentage, and there are also predetermined step increases after a Deputy’s 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th year.  As of 12/01/2024, a twenty-year Deputy earns a salary of $38.90 an hour, which is $80,912.00 per year, before any overtime, redeemed holidays or vacation, longevity bonus, and retention bonus.


Application Instructions:

Full-time Deputy Sheriff applications are accepted year-round, but eligibility testing for new Deputies is generally scheduled one time per year.  Those who are currently employed as a certified State of Illinois police officer, and have at least one year of full-time experience, are eligible for the Lateral Transfer List (application still required).




-Be at least 21 years of age at the time the application is received by the Sheriff’s Office

-Be a United States citizen, or eligible under Illinois House Bill 3751

-Be a resident of the State of Illinois, or become a resident upon certification

-Be a high school graduate, or have a General Education Development (G.E.D.) certificate

-Reside within the residency boundaries (Effingham and surrounding counties), or relocate within the required residency boundaries, within (1) year of appointment as a Deputy Sheriff.

-Hold a valid Illinois Driver’s License, which has not been suspended or revoked, or obtain one upon certification

-Not have a felony conviction, a domestic violence criminal conviction, nor a dishonorable discharge (U.S. Army RE-4 separation classification or equivalent) from military service

-Pass a written examination, background investigation, interview, and other screening and testing as required by the Sheriff’s Office. Applicants who pass the written examination will receive more information about the subsequent phases in the testing process.




Applications may be picked up at the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office, 101 North Fourth Street, Suite 101, Effingham, IL, or accessed on the Effingham County website,  Anyone who has applied prior to this notice must submit a new application and resume.  Persons who pass the written test will be eligible for hire for a period of two years following the test date.



-Be at least 21 years of age at the time the application is received by the Sheriff’s Office

-Be a United States citizen, or eligible under Illinois House Bill 3751

-Be a resident of the State of Illinois, or become a resident upon certification

-Be a high school graduate, or have a General Education Development (G.E.D.) certificate

-Reside within the residency boundaries (Effingham and surrounding counties), or relocate within the required residency boundaries, within (1) year of appointment as a Deputy Sheriff.

-Hold a valid Illinois Driver’s License, which has not been suspended or revoked, or obtain one upon certification

-Not have a felony conviction, a domestic violence criminal conviction, nor a dishonorable discharge (U.S. Army RE-4 separation classification or equivalent) from military service

-Pass a written examination, background investigation, interview, and other screening and testing as required by the Sheriff’s Office. Applicants who pass the written examination will receive more information about the subsequent phases in the testing process.




Applications can be dropped off at the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office, or emailed to the Sheriff’s Administrative Aide, Vicky Budde, at


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