Effingham County Sheriff Deputies recognized with Distinguished Life Saving awards
During the Effingham County Board meeting on June 17th, Deputy Eric Loy and Deputy Jonathon Torbeck with the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office were recognized with Distinguished Life Saving awards.
On June 11th, at approximately 8:34 am, Loy and Torbeck were dispatched to a call at a residence in Dieterich where a man was not breathing and unconscious. The Deputies arrived before the ambulance and immediately began CPR. Later, with the help of Dieterich Fire and Rural Med EMS, the man became responsive and was transported to the hospital. The man survived the incident.
Sheriff Kuhns stated “Deputies often provide CPR and other life-saving acts. We like to mention these incidents because they show another aspect of how these officers serve their community. I think it is also worth mentioning that both Torbeck and Loy have each received this award twice before. This means these two young officers have directly affected six separate lives, along with an untold number of the victims’ family members and close friends, by their actions. Please join me in congratulating them on their good work and reminding them that they do make a difference in our community.”
Pictured: left, Deputy Eric J. Loy; center, Sheriff Paul Kuhns; right, Deputy Jonathon M. Torbeck